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dungeon_mini-bosses_and_keys [2021/01/19 08:57]
dungeon_mini-bosses_and_keys [2022/01/04 19:52] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ======Dungeon Mini-Bosses - "Key Bosses"====== ======Dungeon Mini-Bosses - "Key Bosses"======
-Dungeons often have keys that drop from monsters that allow players to fight a unique mini-boss. Keys can also be found in the Decaying Treasure Chests.+Dungeons often have keys that drop from monsters that allow players to fight a unique mini-boss. Keys can also be found in the Decaying Treasure Chests. These mini-bosses drop rare items. 
 +====Fire Dungeon - Burning Lich Lord==== 
 +{{:fire_key_boss_2.png?nolink |}} 
 +====Ice Dungeon - Greater Ice Fiend==== 
 +{{:ice.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +====Khaldun - ==== 
 +{{:mino.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +====DOOM - The Harvester - ==== 
 +{{ :theharvester.png?nolink |}} 
 +__**Drops**__: Artifacts – Doom Gauntlet 
-Fire Dungeon - Burning Lich Lord 
-{{:fire_key_boss.png?nolink |}} 
dungeon_mini-bosses_and_keys.1611046668.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/19 08:57 by gendibal