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hunter_bods [2021/01/19 04:44]
gendibal created
hunter_bods [2021/02/07 17:03] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-Hunter BODs (Bulk Order Deeds) are a system like crafting BODs. They can be obtained once every 6 hours from hunters. Hunters are located in each city and at the entrance of dungeons in The Lost Lands. They are bulk order deeds for monsters that have rewards when turned in. Both large and small bods exist and large bods must be filled with the corresponding small bods in a way equivalent to crafting BODs.+Hunter BODs (Bulk Order Deeds) are a system like crafting BODs. They can be obtained once every 6 hours from hunters. Hunters are located in each city and at the entrance of dungeons in The Lost Lands. They are bulk order deeds for monsters that have rewards when turned in. Both large and small bods exist and large bods must be filled with the corresponding small bods in a way equivalent to crafting BODs.\\ 
 +__**Small Hunt Bods**__ 
 +  * Treasure Map (Level 1-2) 
 +  * Very Small Red Carpet 
 +  * Very Small Blue Carpet 
 +  * Powder Of Temperament (5%) 
 +  * Treasure Map (Level 2-3) 
 +  * Small Brown Carpet 
 +  * Very Small Red Carpet 
 +  * Very Small Blue Carpet 
 +  * Powder Of Temperament (8%) 
 +  * Treasure Map (Level 3-4) 
 +  * Powder Of Temperament 
 +  * Small Red Carpet 
 +  * Red Carpet 
 +  * Pet Skill Ball +3 skill 
 +**Very Hard**\\ 
 +  * Treasure Map (Level 4-5) 
 +  * Powder Of Temperament 
 +  * Small Red Carpet 
 +  * Red Carpet 
 +  * Blue Carpet 
 +  * Pet Skill Ball +3 skill 
 +__**Large Hunt Bods 
 +  * Fancy Blue Carpet 
 +  * Fancy Red Carpet 
 +  * Royal Red Carpet 
 +  * Royal Blue Carpet 
 +  * Large Black Banner South 
 +  * Large Black Banner East 
 +  * Pet Skill Ball +5 skill 
 +  * Large Stretched Hide East 
 +  * Large Stretched Hide South 
 +  * Large Blue Carpet 
 +  * Large Red Carpet 
 +  * Large Silver Banner South 
 +  * Large Silver Banner East 
 +  * Sherbert Green Bundle 
 +  * [[Necklace Of Fortune]] 
 +  * Large Gold Carpet 
 +  * Large Brown Carpet 
 +  * Orcish Banner East 
 +  * Orcish Banner South 
 +  * Large Gold Banner South 
 +  * Large Gold Banner East 
 +  * Sherbert Orange Bundle 
 +**Very Hard**\\ 
 +  * [[Warfork Of Chaos (10%)]] 
 +  * Large Gold Banner South 
 +  * Large Gold Banner East 
 +  * Bone Throne 
 +  * Bone Couch 
 +  * Bone Table 
 +  * Neon Green Bundle 
hunter_bods.1611031452.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/19 04:44 by gendibal