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lost_lands [2021/01/26 08:23]
lost_lands [2022/01/04 20:22] (current)
slimebucket [The Forgotten One]
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 {{ :variety_dealer_2.png?nolink|}} {{ :variety_dealer_2.png?nolink|}}
-Is a separate economy from the main land, that is why you cannot carry any resources in there. \\You'll have to pay 10x regs if you are an intruder, meaning you usually play outside and you enter only for an event, champ, etc...\\ If you decide to play more often in the LL, you will easily find Verite Gems from all monsters (instead of gold), and you will be able to buy reagents much cheaper.\\ The prices in the special Variety Dealer, which sells stuff for verite gems, will be just three times higher than the normal prices outside of the Lost Lands. That is because you wouldn't have anything else to spend your gems for, and if prices were normal, verite gems would have no value.\\+Is a separate economy from the main land, that is why you cannot carry any resources in there. You'll have to pay 10x regs if you are an intruder, meaning you usually play outside and you enter only for an event, champ, etc...\\ If you decide to play more often in the LL, you will easily find Verite Gems from all monsters (instead of gold), and you will be able to buy reagents much cheaper.\\ The prices in the special Variety Dealer, which sells stuff for verite gems, will be just three times higher than the normal prices outside of the Lost Lands. That is because you wouldn't have anything else to spend your gems for, and if prices were normal, verite gems would have no value.\\
 Besides, a lot of creatures drop regs by default. Just start hunting them, and you wouldn't need to buy reagents. The spawn in the Lost Lands hasn't been completed yet - there is much more to come...\\ Besides, a lot of creatures drop regs by default. Just start hunting them, and you wouldn't need to buy reagents. The spawn in the Lost Lands hasn't been completed yet - there is much more to come...\\
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-Of course, in a region with no insurance and no protection from player killers, killing the monster will not be an easy job. That is why it is very rewarding. The chance for artifacts is 100% when the creature appears, and gets reduced by 10% every ten minutes, until it gets down to 40%. You can also find some copper bars in its corpse.\\+Of course, in a region with no insurance and no protection from player killers, killing the monster will not be an easy job. That is why it is very rewarding. The chance for artifacts is 100% when the creature appears, and gets reduced by 10% every <del>ten minutes</del>, until it gets down to 40%. You can also find some copper bars in its corpse.\\
lost_lands.1611649400.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/01/26 08:23 by gendibal