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lost_lands [2021/01/26 08:23]
lost_lands [2022/01/04 20:22] (current)
slimebucket [The Forgotten One]
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-Of course, in a region with no insurance and no protection from player killers, killing the monster will not be an easy job. That is why it is very rewarding. The chance for artifacts is 100% when the creature appears, and gets reduced by 10% every ten minutes, until it gets down to 40%. You can also find some copper bars in its corpse.\\+Of course, in a region with no insurance and no protection from player killers, killing the monster will not be an easy job. That is why it is very rewarding. The chance for artifacts is 100% when the creature appears, and gets reduced by 10% every <del>ten minutes</del>, until it gets down to 40%. You can also find some copper bars in its corpse.\\
lost_lands.1611649420.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/01/26 08:23 by gendibal