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start [2021/01/26 01:58]
start [2022/01/04 20:00] (current)
slimebucket [Game Content Improvements]
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   * **One House Per Character**   * **One House Per Character**
   * **No Account Limit (We Will Handle Account Abuse on a Case by Case Basis)**   * **No Account Limit (We Will Handle Account Abuse on a Case by Case Basis)**
- +  * **Don't spoil PVP events-CTF-Factions-Pentagram with multi clients & No __intentional offensive__ attacks if you use unattended bots in PVM** 
-=====Player Stat Aspects=====+=====Player Stats and Item Bonus caps =====
   * **720 Skill Cap** (700 to start, 20 as account ages)   * **720 Skill Cap** (700 to start, 20 as account ages)
   * **250 Stat Cap** (225 to Start, + 25 wit Stat Scroll)   * **250 Stat Cap** (225 to Start, + 25 wit Stat Scroll)
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   * **Fast Skill/Stat Gains** - New Characters start with a Skill Ball to Set 7 Skills to 75 each to and Stat Ball to Choose 225 points of Stats   * **Fast Skill/Stat Gains** - New Characters start with a Skill Ball to Set 7 Skills to 75 each to and Stat Ball to Choose 225 points of Stats
   * **Mage Casting - 2 FC / 6 FCR  **   * **Mage Casting - 2 FC / 6 FCR  **
 +  * **Necromancer Casting - 0 FC / 6 FCR**
   * **Paladin Casting** - **4 FC / 6 FCR** - Paladins with magery of 70+ are subject to a faster casting cap of 2   * **Paladin Casting** - **4 FC / 6 FCR** - Paladins with magery of 70+ are subject to a faster casting cap of 2
   * **PvP Spell Damage Increase cap of 15% from an item’s magic property** – This does not include spell damage increases derived from intelligence and inscription bonuses.   * **PvP Spell Damage Increase cap of 15% from an item’s magic property** – This does not include spell damage increases derived from intelligence and inscription bonuses.
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   * **[[tokuno_era_elements|Tokuno Era Elements]]** - Limited to Maintain AOS Gameplay   * **[[tokuno_era_elements|Tokuno Era Elements]]** - Limited to Maintain AOS Gameplay
   * **[[evo_weapons|Evo Weapons]]**   * **[[evo_weapons|Evo Weapons]]**
 +  * **[[Britain Docks Marketplace]]**
   * **Enhanced Barracoon** - MUCH! Harder, Has Mage AI + Magery Skill   * **Enhanced Barracoon** - MUCH! Harder, Has Mage AI + Magery Skill
   * **Collectible Items from Later UO Eras** - Clothing, House Decor, Mounts, Consumables   * **Collectible Items from Later UO Eras** - Clothing, House Decor, Mounts, Consumables
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 =====Game Content Improvements===== =====Game Content Improvements=====
 +  * **[[Archery]]**
   * **Fishing**   * **Fishing**
   * **Treasure Hunting**   * **Treasure Hunting**
   * **Lockpicking**   * **Lockpicking**
-  * **[[Lost Lands]]**+  * ** [[Animal Taming]]** 
 +  * **[[Lost Lands]] - Deeply Customized**
   * **Crafting Bod Books have greatly expanded capacity**   * **Crafting Bod Books have greatly expanded capacity**
-  * **Item Enhancement** - the chance that the item will be destroyed during enhancement is 0% using the ‘Enhance’ option on the relevant craft menu+  * **No Fail Item Enhancement** - the chance that the item will be destroyed during enhancement is 0% using the ‘Enhance’ option on the relevant craft menu
   * **Custom Runic Tools** (property overhaul)   * **Custom Runic Tools** (property overhaul)
   * **[[Doom Gauntlet Artifact turn-in]]**   * **[[Doom Gauntlet Artifact turn-in]]**
 =====Tips===== =====Tips=====
-  * **[[Template Guide]]** +  * **[[Template Guide]]** 
 +  * **[[Factions FAQ/Tips]]**
start.1611626289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/26 01:58 by slimebucket