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Doom Gauntlet

  • Dark Father artifact chance without LUCK is 5%
  • Dark Father artifact chance with 1200 LUCK is 15%
  • Doom mini bosses (Impaler, ShadowKnight, FleshRenderer, AbysmalHorror) have an artifact chance of 1.875% without LUCK
  • Doom mini bosses (Impaler, ShadowKnight, FleshRenderer, AbysmalHorror) have an artifact chance of 3.125% with 1200 LUCK
  • LUCK beyond 1200 does give increased artifact chance from mini bosses and the Dark Father

Artifacts a weighted in two categories

Group 1__ is....55%

* AxeOfTheHeavens * Blade Of Insanity * BoneCrusher * BreathOfTheDead * Frostbringer, Serpentsfang * HolyKnightsBreastplate * LegacyOfTheDreadLord * OrnateCrownOfTheHarrower * Pink Replica Bundle * RingOfTheElement * RingOfTheVile * Rum Red Replica Bundle * ShadowDancerLeggings * TheTaskmaster * Tunic Of Fire * Violet Courage Purple Replica Bundle * TheDragonSlayer

Group 2__ is....45%

  • Aegis

*ArcaneShield *ArmorOfFortune *BraceletOfHealth *DivineCountenance *GauntletsOfNobility *HatOfTheMagi *HelmOfInsight *HuntersHeaddress *JackalsCollar *LeggingsOfBane *MidnightBracers *OrnamentOfTheMagician *SpiritOfTheTotem *StaffOfTheMagi *TheBeserkersMaul *TheDryadBow *VoiceOfTheFallenKing

doom_gauntlet.1611132979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/20 08:56 by gendibal