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The Official NoTramAoS Wiki
Important Server Aspects
Age of Shadows Era Ultima Online Free Server
No Trammel - Everywhere Is Felucca Ruleset - Open PVP - Towns Have Guard Zone
Lovingly Crafted from Defiance [DFI] and Longevity servers' Code
One House Per Character
No Account Limit (We Will Handle Account Abuse on a Case by Case Basis)
Don't spoil PVP events-CTF-Factions-Pentagram with multi clients & No intentional offensive attacks if you use unattended bots in PVM
Player Stats and Item Bonus caps
720 Skill Cap (700 to start, 20 as account ages)
250 Stat Cap (225 to Start, + 25 wit Stat Scroll)
Stat Bonuses are Not Capped - Limited by Items Only
Fast Skill/Stat Gains - New Characters start with a Skill Ball to Set 7 Skills to 75 each to and Stat Ball to Choose 225 points of Stats
Mage Casting - 2 FC / 6 FCR
Necromancer Casting - 0 FC / 6 FCR
Paladin Casting - 4 FC / 6 FCR - Paladins with magery of 70+ are subject to a faster casting cap of 2
PvP Spell Damage Increase cap of 15% from an item’s magic property – This does not include spell damage increases derived from intelligence and inscription bonuses.
Maximum Weapon Swing Rate - capped at one swing per 1.25 seconds
Armor Ignore weapon skill has a cap of 45 PvP Damage , PvM damage is not capped
Bandage Interrupt - 19 Damage is required to interrupt bandaging
1200 Luck Soft Cap for Hunting (with extremely diminishing returns thereafter)
Suit Bonus Caps
Lower Mana Cost = 40%
Hit Chance Increase = 45%
Defense Chance Increase = 45%
Damage Increase = 100%
Custom Server Elements
Enhanced Barracoon - MUCH! Harder, Has Mage AI + Magery Skill
Collectible Items from Later UO Eras - Clothing, House Decor, Mounts, Consumables
Hand Spawned Monsters - All General Locations of Monsters are Unchanged but They are Not OSI or XML Spawned.
Game Content Improvements
Treasure Hunting
Crafting Bod Books have greatly expanded capacity
Item Enhancement - the chance that the item will be destroyed during enhancement is 0% using the ‘Enhance’ option on the relevant craft menu
Custom Runic Tools (property overhaul)